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Copyright Policy


All the content in therainbows.org, including, but not limited to, articles, essays, verses, etc. (the material), belong to the Rainbow Missions (the organization). Without the official written permission of the organization, none of the mentioned content can be used, copied, distributed, preformed, broadcasted, or published; on life show(s), on radio, television or internet, or in print, with or without profit. In other words: all rights reserved.


Quoting in critics or discussions is exempted with the above rule. However, such quotation must not be more than 3 sentences (articles and other material).


If you would like to use the material of this site, you are welcome to contact the Rainbow Missions office (Please click ※Contact Info※ in the bottom for detail). The organization reserved the right to ask for payment of any kind for any time on using the material



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